Good to Go

You guys are good to go. That was the message delivered after our turtle was in the hands of the repair guy for just under an hour. We three were burrowed into chairs out in the lot between two broken down cars. We were practicing our greatly challenged skills of trusting the plan, being confident in the truth that things were working out they way they were meant to work out. 

We’d emergency-braked into the impressively overcrowded lot in the dark wee hours. It honestly didn’t look like a shop where good work was done. Boy, were we wrong. 

These guys are good old-fashioned get-it-back-on-the-road mechanics who can get the job done. No fancy lifts or winches here- they have a pit for getting under the car. 

When Jerry asked about did they natter-natter the thing (it all sounds like Charlie Brown grown-ups to me when car guys have conversations), they brought the turtle back over the pit. Jerry and Craig-repair-guy went under so Jerry could see what’s what.  

Jerry went in to pay while I loaded Frodo and I (and our armloads of afghan, rug, water bowl, one chair, books, etc.). He came out quietly and we left to find a spot to get organized.  

We were free, mobile, no longer stranded.  The charge for the fix was way beyond reasonable, far less than we’d imagined. Relief flooded, one of us cried, gratitude blanketed us. We felt so humbled. Who are we that this should have been so easy? God’s grace shimmered around and through us.

We’re back at the ocean now, stronger for our unexpected delay. We are renewed in our appreciation for the privilege of this opportunity to explore the nation.

Wagons Ho! The Great Western Adventure continues.

the setting sun really did smile for one moment


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