Great Smoky Mountains National Park


In November of 2019, we set out for the Smoky Mountains.   We spent the night of our anniversary in a full hook-up campsite outside the park.  We enjoyed a nice meal and a movie.  Happy twelve years!  We set out in the morning rested, freshly showered and excited to experience the park.  Camping in the park for us means we are off grid.  It's wonderful.  A quick stop for info, maps and registration and we settled in.  

Did you know:

    •  The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the most-visited national park in the U.S.?

    •  The park surrounds and incorporates several old mountain towns, settlements, cabins, and churches?

    •  There are amazing educational opportunities for kids and adults located within the park?

    •  The Appalachian Trail runs right through the park?

    •  The climb to the mountaintop lookout is paved, steep (but worth it), and has an access to the Trail?

Sadly, while we were camped, a young black bear became too aggressive in our campground.  His mother had taught him (100 miles to the south) how to break into human dwellings and find food.  He had to be trapped and then euthanized.  We didn't see him.

We left the park on Veteran's Day - Monday morning.  We ran into rain, rain, snow, snow... and we drove on home.  It was a very long day.  Jerry had to crawl under the turtle van at 11:30 p.m. and drain it in our driveway to keep it from freezing - in 12" of snow.  Next time, we're stopping for the night. :-)

Just a few glimpses of the park for you to enjoy:  

The Smoky Mountains.  The blues.  All the blues.

A gorgeous old mill.

 We stopped and enjoyed so many creeks and small waterfalls.  The sound was just amazing.

While we were exploring an old church, I played this hymn.  A lady stopped in, sat down and listened.  She said she needed to hear this hymn today.  We prayed for her in-surgery friend together.  
Blessings upon blessings.

It's a long climb to the lookout tower, but so worth it.

Chillin' on the Trail.  THE  Trail.
Smoochin' on the Trail.  THE  Trail.  
It's a horrible picture, but it makes me smile.
Morning clouds lie over the mountains like a lake.



